Trying to be a kinder person, one day at a time.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Day 4: Change something

Sometimes, it's easy to sit and wish things were different. It takes passion, determination and a whole lot of motivation to actually change something, and it definitely takes a lot of time.

So today, I went to see my Headmistress about the possibility of increasing our peer mentor scheme to help benefit people higher up in the school's age brackets, whether the mentors be teachers or other older pupils. I just want people to have someone to talk to.

There is nothing worse than feeling like there is no one who will listen, something I learned yesterday and countless other times when this has happened. So why not just spend a few hours of my week dedicated to making this a big cause in my school and administrating and liaising with teachers to make this a reality?
Schools have an hard time in dealing with individual pupils; there are just so many of us that it becomes impossible to do what is perhaps necessary. I know so many people who would have benefited from such a scheme greatly, and even I would, in my opinion. I've served as the unofficial agony aunt of the school for a few years, maybe it's time to find some new ones.

I know that my school will see a difference if we put our energies into making this work. So many people will benefit from this scheme, and school (and certainly our Common Room) will be a much happier place.

I will be the first to sign up to be a mentor, and heck, I'm not going to leave this school until this works.


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