A person has no money and can't get lunch? Lend them money (I usually don't let people pay me back)
You have a lot of cake that you realistically aren't going to sell anyway? Give it away for free to people who WILL eat it, rather than throwing it away.
Your old Head of Year is up on stage singing even though she used to sing with a now-at-peace teacher a while ago? Scream, cheer, and clap like you've never loved anyone ever before, and just keep going until all they can hear is the sound of happiness ringing like ecstatic bells that won't cease.
Sometimes, it's the small, random acts of kindness that can make someone's day.
Sometimes, it's the small things you do that help people to remember that no, it's not all bad out there. You may not have moved the Heavens or the Earth for them, but that does not mean you were unkind. You were kind, and surely, that's what we all strive for?
Food for thought.
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