Trying to be a kinder person, one day at a time.

Saturday 7 July 2012

What on Earth is


I am a girl from a town, in a county from a country, who tries to be kind but doesn't always get it right.
There is no true formula for being kind, and neither is it a prerequisite that an human should be kind, nor is it a concrete definition of a 'good human'. But I think to be human, one must be humane.

So, I am pledging for me to try and do 365 acts of kindness.

They will not always be big events like charity fundraisers, volunteering with patients, or some unimaginably selfless thing which touches thousands of people. It might just be giving up my seat on the train or comforting a lost child, perhaps joining a new cause or raising awareness, but it's something. I am not deluding myself and thinking that I am the kindest person on the planet, nor do I aim to grab the attention of many and become the kindest person alive.

I am endeavouring to do what I think is right.

And this is my definition: doing things for the greater good by social definition to the full extent of your capacity.

If you have the ability to do good in the world, why not do it?



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